
Monday, 15 July 2013

Summer Sunburn Woes

No one wants to get a sunburn but sometimes it just...happens. I've fallen asleep and forgotten to re apply my sunscreen or thought I was just popping out to run a quick errand then found myself running 17 errands and not having any SPF on me. it happens to the best of us, so;

Here are a few tips on how to deal with those less than desirable sunburns…
  • Take Vitamin E to reduce inflammation from your sunburn.
  • Drink lots of water to stay hydrated.
  • Eat foods high in vitamin c (citrus fruits, strawberries, spinach), beta-carotene (chili peppers, kale, carrots), vitamin E (nuts, olives) or flax seed oil.
  • Sliced cucumbers or cold wet tea bags help soothe and extract the sting.
  • Take a cool shower.
  • Avoid using any harsh soaps + perfumes on sunburned area.
  • Keep skin moisturized. Try using a lotion with shea butter or palm oils for extra moisture.
Here are my favorite “Kitchen Beautician” remedies for a mild sunburn…
  • Mix lavender oil and water together in a small spray bottle and keep it in your refrigerator. Mist your skin throughout the day to soothe the burn.
  • Aloe vera can relive the pain of a sunburn. Try filling an ice tray with aloe vera and freezing it. Rub the frozen cubes onto the burn area.
  • Mix baking soda into your bath and soak for about 15 minutes. Let skin air dry instead of drying off with a towel.
  • Witch hazel has been known to reduce inflammation. It can be applied to a burn with a cotton ball or added to a bath.
Sunburns are a signs of skin damage from the sun and accelerate premature aging (not to mention the unsightly tan lines) So be smart slather on some SPF before you hit the beach. There are also many different ways to get that bronzy glow going besides laying out in the sand (Look for that post coming soon!)

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